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Quantum Metal Corporate University (QMCU) is initiated and founded to achieve systematic human capital development, which is a key requirement for growth and competitive advantage. Our main focus is to enhance human capital development of precious metal industry, catering to its requirements and ensuring its sustainability.
We are a strategic entity designed to support the parent organization in achieving its goals by conducting activities that foster management, workforce, members, consultants, and country partners’ organizational learning and knowledge pathway.
We take charge of cultural and educational related programs and services, serving Quantum Metal ecosystem stakeholders and related parties. Besides personal development specifically in the leadership area, there will also be industry training provided in the sector of environmental, financial investment, and precious metals.
We take a revolutionary approach in creating an effective learning experience through the virtual form in the digital space, by providing unique and personalized virtual learning experience to our partners, subsidiaries and consultants.
We strive to provide the best learning experience through a lineup of global leaders who excel in their own field of expertise. Our academic board comprises experienced professionals who are passionate and devoted in bringing the best out of the students through their coaching and training. To ensure quality delivery, our advisory board, made up from industry experts, oversee the business strategy and details in every component we integrate into our Learning Management System.

A corporate university is any educational entity that is a strategic tool designed to assist its parent organization in achieving its goals by conducting activities that foster individual and organizational learning and knowledge. Corporate universities (CU) are a growing trend in corporations. In 1993, corporate universities existed in only 400 companies. By 2001, this number had increased to 2,000, including Walt Disney, Boeing, and Motorola.

To unlock inner potential and nurture outstanding leaders, we put together the best coaches who are qualified to nurture the personal growth of our students. Riding the revolutionary digitization trend, we create a rich learning experience leveraging a mix of advanced and emerging technologies and digital tools, which include but are not limited to multimedia, Virtual Reality (VR), Blockchain, Big Data etc.
Welcome aboard to a lifelong learning pathway. Welcome to QMCU.
We proudly provide a uniquely legitimate, exclusive investment product, backed by authentic value – digitised precious metals to empower and enrich, retaining real, sustainable worth over time. We believe firmly in facilitating honest investments, financial inclusion, and shared prosperity.